Living life with celiac in the northwest suburbs of Chicago

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My First Entry

It's been about 2 years and change since I have been diagnosed with celiac disease and a casein allergy. My story started like so many other people with celiac - a myriad of seemingly unrelated symptoms, digestive woes, and fatigue that I just attributed to raising two children under the age of 4. It is amazing though what something as simple as changing the food you eat can do. Removing gluten and dairy from my diet has literally given me a new lease on life. Do I miss the taste of crusty bread slathered with butter? Of course. Do I occasionally wake up in the morning and realize that I had a dream about cheese? Embarrassing, but true. But, I have learned to cook again - this time flavorfully and healthfully.

Before celiac, my husband and I enjoyed traveling and experiencing cuisine in various parts of the world. We still continue to do so, now with two little ones in tow and a somewhat restricted set of dining options. Through this blog I hope to share recipes that I've enjoyed, resources I've found helpful in the McHenry county area, and learn from others living with celiac. I am always on the lookout for new gluten and dairy free products, local dining options, and eager to learn about new treatment options and advances in research. My son has joined me on this gluten free journey the past 6 months, so please let me know if someone has created gluten free goldfish crackers!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Rachel. What a wonderful idea!
    Now I can find ideas for simple recipes to use when we are having family parties.
    Love, Mom :-)
